Monday, January 4, 2010


When I was told to do something for Christmas and the New Year, I kind of went blank….and that doesn’t happen every time. Want to know why I went blank? There was nothing Christmassy in the air; nothing particularly exciting to look forward to in the New Year too. Personally, I think there’s no love in the air; if there was people wouldn’t be killing others, there’s no fear; if there was people wouldn’t be kidnapping people almost twice their age (or young enough to be their children)! There’s no peace, if there was we wouldn’t have seen the Jos, Haram, and Bauchi crises of last year, heck, we’ve moved beyond inter religious crises to fighting within our sects! There’s no integrity; if there was our leaders wouldn’t loot our country’s resources like they were dropped into a field and commanded to harvest!

Amidst all of these, 2009 was a most interesting year for everyone, abi? We all have things to be grateful for. Start from the fact that we’re alive and had the opportunity to gorge ourselves on Christmas feasts and then of course, resolve to lose weight from January 1st! Move on to the fact that you’ve got family (or people you can truly refer to as family) and that they love you and are there for you (no matter how many times you disagree)!

One step further, we can be grateful for the friends we have…..the ones that are true to us and even the ratty ones that bite and blow on our toes….what would life be without them?

I won’t mention rather mundane things like jobs, cash, etc (even though we should be grateful for them too). I say this because God, life, family, and friends are the pillars on which everything else rests… but I bet you already knew that.

Ok, so this is my story (and it’s not even based on the overused but rarely understood ‘reason for the season’ cliché). The Fairy GodFather’s lecturer in Fairy school said that to properly define a thing, you must first establish what it is not. So, my story is not about new clothes, shoes, breaking your piggy bank and rewarding yourself with some random gift (however expensive), it’s not about trips to the village, exotic places; it’s not even about happy reunions with our families and loved ones.
My story is about stocktaking. It is about usefulness. It is about productivity (and don’t you dare say I’m getting all motivational on you, cos I’m not)! I read when the purpose for being awake is not known, sleep becomes interesting (now that was from a motivational speech). What I really want to ask/say is, how useful were you to yourself in 2009? Can you honestly say you achieved your purpose for the year? If you were asked to take stock of your 2009, would you be able to (in other words, would there be any ‘stocks’ to take)? Did you get that certification, make that trip, call that friend, get married, go to school, do that thing you’ve been planning to do?

It’s important to evaluate (and I’m not talking about bankers sitting down, sipping coffee and telling stories); I’m talking about you sitting down with yourself to ask yourself these three questions (and their flipsides):
1. What did I set out to achieve in 2009 (and did I achieve them)?
2. How did I achieve them (why didn’t I achieve them)?
3. How do I raise the bar this year (how do I ensure I don’t repeat last years mistakes)?

If you can truthfully answer these questions, you’re on the sure road to a super duper 2010. And I am going to leave it like that.

That said, lets move on to things like, I hope you had a swell break, you had a great time with your friends, family, etc. I hope you had lots to eat, drink, and be merry with and I most sincerely hope you spared a thought (and a little action too) for people less privileged than you are.

So, I hope you liked my story. The truth however remains that only you can tell the best stories, and this year the stories will (must) revolve around your success! And the Fairy GodSister promises to watch.